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Based on the discussion and ideas in Add support for ASP.NET (non-Core) projects

How can I use this SDKs?

When using an MSBuild Project SDK obtained via NuGet (such as the SDKs in this repo) a specific version must be specified.

Either append the version (as shown in the nuget shield above) to the package name:

<Project Sdk="MSBuild.SDK.SystemWeb/4.0.88">

Or omit the version from the SDK attribute and specify it in the version in global.json, which can be useful to synchronise versions across multiple projects in a solution:

  "msbuild-sdks": {
    "MSBuild.SDK.SystemWeb" : "4.0.88"

You can also use the templates to easily create new projects.


Common Properties

Property Default value Description
ExcludeSDKDefaultPackages false Do not include the default packages Microsoft.Net.Compilers.Toolset and Microsoft.CodeDom.Providers.DotNetCompilerPlatform
ApplySDKDefaultPackageVersions true* Apply default version numbers to packages unless using a Central Package Management system
GeneratedBindingRedirectsAction None Set the desired default behavior of what to do with SuggestedBindingRedirects if not yet set.
See automatically generated binding redirects
<ul><li>None - Do nothing except show the warning</li><li>Preview - Creates new Web.BindingRedirects.config file showing proposed changes</li><li>Overwrite - Updates the $(AppConfig) aka web.config in the project root</li></ul>

*Version numbers are not applied if you are using Microsoft.Build.CentralPackageVersions version 2.1.1 or higher. Remember to include the packages in your central package versions file.

Specific Properties

Property Default value Description
MvcBuildViews true if Configuration is Release
false otherwise
Whether to invoke the AspNetCompiler automatically after build
EnableWebFormsDefaultItems Same as EnableDefaultItems Whether to automatically include WebForms files as content
<ul><li> *.asax</li><li> *.ascx</li><li> *.ashx</li><li> *.asmx</li><li> *.aspx</li><li> *.master</li><li> *.svc</li></ul>
SetRoslynToolPath true if RoslynToolPath is empty Sets RoslynToolPath to the version included in Microsoft.Net.Compilers.Toolset to allow compiling .aspx files etc. using a newer langversion**

** You will have to adjust your web.config to change the system.codedom/compilers/compiler compilerOptions attribute to set the langversion - it won’t automatically use the LangVersion property from your project file.

Deprecated Properties

| Property | Default value | Description | | ——– | ————- | ———– | | ExcludeASPNetCompilers | false | Use ExcludeSDKDefaultPackages instead | | OverwriteAppConfigWithBindingRedirects | false | If set, will set GeneratedBindingRedirectsAction to Overwrite then any will be copied into your web.config file. |

Automatic Default Packages

Common Packages

Package Default Version Property
Microsoft.Net.Compilers.Toolset 4.5.0 MicrosoftNetCompilersToolset_Version
Microsoft.CodeDom.Providers.DotNetCompilerPlatform 3.6.0 MicrosoftCodeDomProvidersDotNetCompilerPlatform_Version